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中学1年紫 総合の時間

  • 中1

~イギリスの伝統校、King’s Elyの生徒のみなさんへのメッセージカード作成のその後~
先だって2023年12月23日のHPに、イギリスの伝統校、King’s Elyの生徒のみなさんと手作りの《Christmas & New Year Card Exchange Cardを贈り合う》という企画をご紹介いたしましたが。その後のご報告です。

昨日1月11日、King’s Elyの先生が、届いたことのメッセージと受け取った生徒のみなさんの様子を写真に撮って、送ってくださいました。ここに、そのメッセージと写真を紹介します。とても良い交流ができました。

We started back at school this week and were delighted to receive your cards. They are so beautiful with wonderful pictures and decorations. Our pupils were also amazed with the beautiful, neat writing and their level of English. I think sometimes pupils in England rush their work and this is an important lesson when they see your cards at how patience and lots of practice can produce outstanding results. They were truly in awe of the beautiful cards. Thank you 🙂

I have put some pictures of our students with their cards on the Padlet and will add more later in the week.

We also wanted to convey our sadness at the terrible earthquake and also the plane accident in Japan. Our students hope that your pupils and their families are all safe. Our thoughts and best wishes are with Japan at this time.

Wishing you a happy, peaceful and healthy 2024!

